Little Stitches Art: WIPocalypse 2021: January's Update

WIPocalypse 2021: January's Update

 WIPocalypse 2021: January's Update

Sunday, 31 January 2021

I love this SAL as I use it as a sort of monthly summary or review and it is when I realixe how much (or not) I stitched.

This SAL is monthly hosted by Measi's Musings and I try to aprticipate every month. You normally show what yoy did in the month and, if you want, answer to the monthly question propossed for each month.

In the kick off post, I showed the list of the projects I want to work in this year. It is the following:

  • Hooties All Year Round 
  • Season Dreamcatchers 
  • Prickly but Cute 
  • Around the World in 80 stitches 
  • Christmas Ornaments 
  • Mini Magical Mystery SALs Pincushion (published in the blog Magickal Quilt and More during 2020)
  • Wheel of the Year (NEW)
  • Easter Calendar (NEW)
  • Dance of the Total Eclipse (NEW)
  • HAED Mini Hecate (NEW)
  • Other small projects and other crafts projects (to be decided)

From my list, I only worked in the Pricky But Cute. I finished my fourth cactus which is a small female cactus with flowers on the "head". I published it here, but thai is how it looks.

I was working in a small project I didn't think about when preparing my WIPs list. It is a birth recored I am doing for a friend. It is almost over but, for obvious reasons, I can fininsh only after the birth. It is supposed to be a baby boy and they are pretty sure about the name, but just in case..... Anyway, I need to wait to know the birth date, weight and length. It is a small design but I think it is cute....

I didn't do any more stitches this month, but I was doing other things more related with learning nad reading.

Question of the Month

The Question of the Month for January is: "Tell us about a WIP on which you’ve really struggled to make progress. Explain its history. What appears to be the reason you’re struggling?"

I am going to talk about a speciality stitches WIP I am trying to do for the next, maybe four or five years. It is called "Around the world in 80 Stitches" and there is monstly speciality stitches, lots of them. I am doing in a 32 count lugana and it is quite complicate to see the holes in the fabric.

I obviously want to finish it but I need to go very slow because I can't see properly the fabric and I need to keep watching how to do the stitches.

Hope I can show you something next month.


  1. Lovely stitching, your 2021 projects look interesting, it will be nice to see them as time progresses. Good luck with your speciality stitches.

  2. Lovely stitching. Prickly but Cute really is adorable. I look forward to watching your progress.
