WIPocalypse 2018 - January Check in

While reading different cross stitch blogs I saw in few of them something which attracted my attention and interest. It is something called WIPocalypse. It is a sort of SAL organized by Melisa in the blog Measi’s Musings. This SAL consists in publishing the advances in our craft projects on previously fixed dates (obviously that is not a MUST, it is not going to be a crime if one month you don’t do anything or if you don’t have time to write the post). I thought it is a very nice way of motivation for myself and to share what I am doing with other crafters as well to see what other people are doing.

But first of all, I need to make the list of projects I am going to work on this year. Most of the crafter which are participating published this list at the beginning of January but, as I just discovered the SAL, I am going to do it now.

Here is the list of the projects I would like to do.

  1. Dreamcatcher
  2. Banner of the Sabbats
  3. Sewing Owls
  4. Connie Gee Design SAL
  5. CrossStitcher SAL
  6. Seasonal Birds
  7. Green Man
  8. MD69 Cinderella
  9. Phases of the Moon
  10. Wheel of the Year
  11. Monthly Mini Mandala
  12. Zodiac Pentagram
  13. Queen of Water
  14. A Year of Flowers
  15. Zen Garden
  16. 12 Month, 12 Sachets
  17. Prickly But Cute
  18. 12 Days of Christmas

The picture for most of these projects are in the left side of the blog.

As every year, I want to do a huge amount of projects and unfortunately most of them will become UFOs. That is why I have defined some goals for 2018. They are the following:

  • Goal 1: Finish Queen of Water, pending from 2016
  • Goal 2: Finish the 8 Sabbat Banners
  • Goal 3: Complete 12 sachets
  • Goal 4: Complete 12 Days of Christmas
  • Goal 5: Finish Prickly But Cute

Measi always proposes a question to answer. January’s question is: What SALs are you participating in this year?

  •  Gifted Gorgeousness 2018: Post anything gifted on the 15th of each month
  •  TUSAL: Post your ORTs on the New Moon Day
  • Christmas Ornie’s SAL: Post one Christmas embroidery every month, I am doing the 12 Days of Christmas in an owl version
  •  IHSW: Post about the projects you work on the 3rd weekend of each month
  • Smalls SAL 2018: Post something small last Friday of each month. I am doing the 12 Sachets
  • Connie Gee Design SAL: Blackwork design every month. That will be finished on 2019
  • Monthly Mini Mandala: Organized by the blog Breodeuse Bresane, consists on a blackwork mandala which is published in the blog the 1st of each month

In the blog Measi’s Mussings, for the Winter Olympic Games period, another challenge is proposed (see Measi’s Musisngs January Check-in for more information). Three challenges are proposed:

  1. Rotation Relay: As many projects as you can during the Olympics.
  2. Endurance Race: One unique project during the Olympics.
  3. Celebrate the Nations: Stitch in the colour of the Olympic rings or the colour of your country.
I am joining the challenge and I will participate with the Rotation Relay option.

That is all for the moment. Have a nice February and Happy Stitching!!!!!!


  1. That's a great list of projects and plenty of activities throughout the year - it will be lovely to see your stitching each month

  2. I am so pleased that you are joining us for the WIPocalypse and choosing 18 projects for 2018 too!
    The original idea was to chose projects you wanted to finish before the Apocalypse in 2012 but of course, that never came.
    Now I believe we are keeping the Apocalypse at bay by NOT completing all our WIPs!
