International Hermit and Stitch Weekend (IHSW) - March

This last weekend was a real hermit weekend for me. I was extremely tired. In my job we are moving to a new building and we have been all last week packing all the laboratories including heavy equipment. Other side, when I got up on Saturday all was covered by a 10 cm layer of snow and it continued snowing for all the weekend. So that was the ideal weekend to become hermit and be all the day stitching.

And that was what I did. I was working to advance some of my projects. I finished the embroider design for the sachet corresponding to March and which I am doing for the Small SAL 2018 by Stitching Lotus.

I finished also the embroidery for the banner I am doing for the Ostara celebration. For people who don't know, Ostara is a pagan holiday in which we celebrate the spring equinox, the day when day and night lenght are equal. That normally is the beggining of the good weather and so many activities outdoor.

I stitched also the typical Easter hare, which is a tradition coming from norse mythology in which a hare is associated with the goddess Eostre.

I made good advance in my other Ostara embroidery. This is designed by CTHDesign and I bought it in Etsy. In the design that shows typical Easter objects as daffodils and Easter eggs.


Finally, I did the second prestitch of the Mystery SAL organized by Magical Quilts And More. The SAL itself will start on the 30th March.

I am doing other crafts different than needlecraft for my seasonal Easter decoration. I was painting some eggs, but I forgot to take a picture and now I have decided to show when they are ov er. I am also doing a Easter wreath. It is done with a metallic support wrapped with yellow satin ribbon. It has different Easter symbols sticck to it as nests, eggs and chicks. I think it will be quite funny when is finished.

And that is all for this hermit weekend. Comments are welcome.


  1. Lovely stitching on all your projects.Love the first one.

  2. Lovely stitching - it's nice to have time to focus on a piece :-)

  3. Lovely stitching progress! I hope the move in work is over soon x

  4. Great progress!
    I have the pattern for Ostara too, but not started ..... I like the colours you’ve stitched yours with.
    Hope things soon settle down again at work.
