New Project: Bulley Journal

In 2016 I read about Bullet Journal for the very first time. Maybe most of you know what is that, but I am going to tell what it is for those people who don’t know. The Bullet Journal or BuJo idea was created in 2014 by Ryder Carroll. You can have a look to his website, BulletJournal, for interesting ideas. He defines the Bullet Journal as "The Analog System for the Digital Age". It is basically a journal, diary, to-do lists, notebook, etc. It is 100% customizable and you can include whatever you feel and want. And the most important thing is that even if you can buy expensives notebooks and pens, what you really need is ONLY a notebook and a pen.

The first time I read about it I thought, even if I liked the idea, that it was a bit time consuming and wasn’t for me. I didn’t think about it anymore. But recently I can’t remember where, I read something about it again. When something comes twice to knock at your door it should be for a reason, so I decided to go deeper into the Bullet Journal world and start looking for information and reading about that. And surprisingly, I found myself thinking that Bullet Journal is ideal for me. I like to make lists of all but I keep them in a sheet, post-it, middle of a notebook, etc and I can never find them when I need.

I am going to give a try. I have been doing reseasrch for some time to check which are the best notebooks and pens and I found that they are all quite expensive. I decided then to buy cheap brands in case I don’t like and decide to stop. If I enjoy and want to continue with my bullet journal I will by slowly the good brand supplies. But I wanted to share what I got now and show my ideas. If you have experience, ideas, suggestions, etc feel free to let me know, I will appreciate it.

The Notebook

The best notebooks for Bullet Journals are the one with dotted pages. There are lots of brands in the market, being Moleskine and Leuchtturm 1917 the most popular but also the most expensive. I want to try in the future both brands and compare, but for the moment I bought a cheap notebook. It has dotted and numbered pages, a page for the KEYS and couple of pages for the Index. The brand is Elephant and I bought in Amazon.

Pens and Pencils

Pens are the other thing you can’t miss for bullet journaling. As for notebooks there are many brands and types and it is not easy to decide what to buy. I bought cheap brands and I will be buying the most expensive ones with time.

Most popular pen’s brands are Sharpie, Tombow, Micron, Zebra,.... But I made a cheaper brand collection to begin with.

I have normal fine liner pens to write what it is the proper planning (events, tasks, appointments,....)

I have a collection of gel pens in different colours including metallics and neon shades. These gel pens are my favourite. There is no bleeding or ghosting when I use them. It is also important for me to have pencils. I have some Staedler pencils for drafts in different hard and darkness and a collection of 36 coloring pencils bought in Hobbycraft.

I have a crayola collection which can be very usefull as they also don’t do ghosting and for lettering (what is something I still don’t know well how to do) I have a collection of brush pens and a collection of waterpencils.

Washi Tape

That is not completly neededbut as I had lots from other craft supplies I decided I can also use them in my Bullet Journal. Washi Tape can be very usefull as decoration and in case you need to correct a mistake. I have plain color washi tapes in pastel and neon colors and lots of decorated tapes that I normally use for cardmaking.

Other Supplies

Obviously you don’t really need the following supplies but they make the things so much easier.

I have a set of eraser and sharpener, very useful when working drafts. The ruler is a ‘must have’ for me, I am not able to draw a straight line otherwise. Tracer and charcoal papers can be also very usefull if you want to copy a picture from elsewhere (br carefull and take only free pictures). I have a set of stencils to make the most common shapes that will save me lot of time.

That is all what you can need. Ah, no. I forgot something very important. You will need also your imagination, patience and art to keep a beautiful journal.

As I am newbie in Bullet Journal any comment or suggestion you have will be welcome.


  1. I also tried it but found the agenda useless because I keep it digital. I think I'm going to make a bujo just for lists. In a small folder so that I can add new pages between them.

  2. I have a bullet journal - I like your organisation to get it started! One bit of advice would be to not make it a chore. I don't always journal, but set up pages when inspiration hits. And don't let Pinterest suck you in to complex designs! Looking forward to seeing how you journal x
