Little Stitches Art: Small SAL 2018 - August Check In

Small SAL 2018 - August Check In

I was very delayed with this project. From January to May I did month by month the corresponding sachets. But from May I dedicated more time to my plot and I was delayed with the cross stitch. I am up to date and I have 4 sachets to show.

In May was the turn of a mushroom from Vervaco. It is done in 14 count cream Aida fabric and the threads are mainly red shades. For the back as well as for the ribbon I chose a red colour.

June sachet is a Vervaco design in black and white and represents a butterfly. I did over 14 count Aida white with black and grey shades DMC threads. I used black fabric for the back and a black ribbon.

July sachet is a pink girlish owl. Ok, I need to tell the truth. The original design from Vervaco comes with the word ‘Teeth” written in backstitch and it is suppose to be a sachet for keeping the teeth for the Fairy Teeth. I didn’t embroider the letters and it is perfect for my sachets’ collection. I did it in Aida pink fabric with dark pink for the back and the ribbon.

Finally, August sachet is also a Vervaco design made in grey and black shades, but this time represents a bird. It is done in 18 count Aida marble effect fabric. As for the previous black and white design, I chose black for the back fabric and the ribbon.

My collection is increasing. It is lovely now how they look in the basket I chose for them.


  1. Your sachets are all very beautiful.

  2. Your sachets are lovely. I like the way you are displaying them.

  3. What a cute, unique collection! Nice stitching!

  4. They look great together, I like the variety of colours.
