Traditional Embroidery Sampler 2

I finished the second part of my sampler with a bit delay. It is being very hot these days and it is difficult to take the needle and embroider...... Anyway, I could do the second tutorial video Rosario Montoro has in her YouTube channel. In tutorial I did two type of herringbone stitches (in blue and violet). 

I am not really sure about the name of the violet one, if you know how is it call tell me in the comments, please. The problem is the videos are in Spanish......

The third stitch I learnt in this tutorial is the Half-Chevron Stitch. It is a very easy and nice stitch.


These are the three stitches I learnt this time. It is nice to see how my sampler is advancing, it looks great now. See you in the next post.


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  2. There used to be when weaving was done physically and used a ton of work and time. Be that as it may, today, with the coming of machine weaving administrations, nearly everything is finished by the machines to make stunning weaving plans. Excellent Digitizing
