July's finished Jobs

I am quite happy with the projects I have finished this month. As usual, I finished less than what I planned in advance but I don't think I will never finish what I plan.......

I did these three small cushions in hardanger, in white, green and red. I love hardanger but I don't know why I didn't do for a while.

I did a small cushion of summer season. The patter is a freebie from Happiness is CrossStitching.

Other two small things I did in cross stitch is a lavender bag and a key fob with the breast cancer ribbon. It is funny that I forgot to put the key ring and finally I have a small pillow instead a key fob.....

Finally I would like to show you this small pincushion in blackwork with a strawberry design.

Do you like them? All comments are welcome.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Littlestitchesart, this is very nice job which I never saw before ,I really liked this because I love art ,beautiful handygraphy ,this is appreciateable.nice
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