IHSW - April Update

Last weekend was the International Hermit Stitching Weekend (IHSW) and as I like to participate, I became hermit. I need to say that the weekend was lovely and I didn’t want to miss the sun but at the same time I wanted to advance in one of my projects. So I decided have both things at the same time and I spent most of the weekend stitching in my back garden while Luna was enjoying the sun (she doesn’t like to be outside if I am not…….).

I wanted to advance the Queen of Water. I started this projects around two years back, it is nearly over but I don’t know why it is taking so long to finish it. I don’t want it to become UFO and I want to finish before starting a serie of ladies I have in mind (I will talk about them after receiving the graphics, I already ordered them but they are coming from US). That is how my lady was on Friday.

And after being all the weekend working on it that is how she is looking like now.

I have the intentions to work on it also over the week and next weekend but in the week I am quite busy with the job, gym, cooking and gardening that I don’t know if I am going to be able to stitch anything. I will try anyway. Even if I do couple of stitches, an advance is an advance…….

1 comment:

  1. You made a lot of progress on this project over the weekend.
