WIPocalypse - April Check In

This month I didn’t work in all of my WIPs as I wanted to make a good advance with one of my projects I am carrying over for more than a year. Nevertheless, I worked on few projects and bellow is the update of the project status:

  1. Dreamcatcher: 33%
  2. Banner of the Sabbats: 25%
  3. Sewing Owls
  4. Connie Gee Design SAL: 33%
  5. CrossStitcher SAL: 8%
  6. Seasonal Birds
  7. Green Man
  8. MD69 Cinderella
  9. Phases of the Moon
  10. Wheel of the Year
  11. Monthly Mini Mandala: 25%
  12. Zodiac Pentagram
  13. Queen of Water: 90%
  14. A Year of Flowers: 33%
  15. Zen Garden
  16. 12 Month, 12 Sachets: 33%
  17. Prickly But Cute: 20%
  18. 12 Days of Christmas: 25%
  19. A FOB A Month: 25%
  20. Magical Mystery SAL: 40%
  21. Blackwork Tangram: 17%
As I mentioned before, I advanced in some of my WIP projects. I finished the fourth flower of the A Year of Flower design, a lovely pansy which I showed in the Gift Gorgeousnedd 2018 post.

 For the 12 Days of Christmas I stitched the third owl corresponding to Three French Hens. I know I am a month behind but I still didn’t have time to catch up.

The next one is so cute and I didn’t show before. It corresponds to the Prickly But Cute SAL and it is calles ……… It is a very nice cactus.

Couple of days back I showed in the Small SAL post the fourth aromatic sachet. It is a Vervaco design showing a ladybug in some green leaves. Back of the sachet and the ribbon are red to match with the design.

On the 1st May it was the festivity of Beltane, one of the cross-quarters festivals of the Wheel of the Year. For that occasion I did the Beltane design from CTHdesign as part of my Beltane decoration.

The next two embroideried I am going to show are not part of any SAL but of what I call “Small Occasional Projects (SOP)”. One of them is very simple but I wanted something like that to show near my main door. It is a “Blessed Be” card and it is very nice to welcome people coming home.

The second one is a tree formed by different words related with life. I did it to celebrate the Earth Day which was the 22nd April.

Moving on to blackwork, I did the fourth part of Connie Gee Design SAL. I am not so excited with that SAL at that stage but as it is easy and quick to do I am going to continue.

I started a new blackwork project. It is called "Blackwork Tangram SAL" and it is organized by Lakeside Needlecraft. It is a free SAL consisting in 6 weekly parts (each part will be relesed on Fridays) I am going to change the colours as the call for colours are not my favourites, The first part is done in Christmas red (DMC 666) and the border are in black (DMC 310).

I left for the end the Queen of Water as it is related with the question of the month. I started this project on 2016 and it went through periodsin which I advanced a lot and periods in which I did not touch for long time. But now I have in mind other ladies and before starting them I want to finish this one (my mum insists me as she doesn't want that to be an UFO). So here is my advance. On the left you can see how it was and on the right how it is now.


The Question of the Month Measi's Musing is proposing is to talk about the longest-running WIP or UFO. I need to say that I have plenty of UFOs but I am not going to talk about them. The longest project I have been working on is the HAED "Looking Back" designed by Crystal Dune. I was working on it for 2 years and a half.

The longest running WIP is the Queen of Water I showed above. As I said, I am working on it for more than a year.

And that is all for this month. Looking forward to read your advances.

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