WIPocalypse - August Check In

I have finally time to do some stitches and show them on my monthly summary.

We have crossed the first half of the year and that is the moment when I modify the list of projects to do I prepared at the beginning of the year. Some of the projects I even didn’t have time to start and I will be doing in 2019 and others are projects I have started but I am disappointed or don’t like how they look. The good part is that I have included new projects for this last part of the year, mainly for Halloween or Christmas decoration.

So my list of projects to do is now as shown:

  1. Dreamcatcher: 33%
  2. Banner of the Sabbats: 25%
  3. Sewing Owls
  4. Connie Gee Design SAL: 36%
  5. CrossStitcher SAL
  6. Seasonal Birds
  7. Green Man
  8. MD69 Cinderella
  9. Phases of the Moon
  10. Wheel of the Year
  11. Monthly Mini Mandala: 25%
  12. Zodiac Pentagram
  13. Queen of Water: 90%
  14. A Year of Flowers: 66%
  15. Zen Garden
  16. 12 Month, 12 Sachets: 66%
  17. Prickly But Cute: 20%
  18. 12 Days of Christmas: 50%
  19. Magical Mistery SAL: 100%
  20. Blackwork Tangram: 17%
  21. Halloween Owls: 8%
  22. Advent Calendar
  23. Halloween Unicorn

Entries in red means I advanced on them, while in black are the ones I didn’t work on this period. I put in orange the projects I will do next year, in violet the ones I have abandoned and in green are the project I am going to start now.

To start with my advances of that period I want to show the advance I did on my “A Year of Flowers”. It is a Cuore e Batticuore design which I am presenting in the Gifted Gorgeousness SAL 2018. I finished 3 more flowers and I am completely up to date in that SAL now. The flower corresponding to June is a daisy. For July I embroidered what I think it is an iris and for August I have no idea about which flower it is (can be a fucshia), but it is lovely.

My Hooties 12 Days of Christmas has advanced also, but I am still two months behind schedule and I need to speed up if I want to finish it by this year Christmas. I finished the Day 5 (5 Golden Rings) and Day 6 (6 Geese-a-Laying).

The aromatic sachet collection is also up to date now. I chose this time four Vervaco designs and I am very happy as they look gorgeous, specially the two in black and white

 I finally finished the Magical Mistery SAL organized last spring by Magickal Quilts and More. I embroidered on the back MMS and the month and year I did it and I finished it as a pincushion. Happy with the result.

And moving on to blackwork, I became up to date with the Connie Gee Design Blackwork SAL. The second row is nearly over and I am waiting restless to have time to make the 10th design.

The two new projects I already started are part of what is going to be my Halloween decoration. One project consists in owl disguised with Halloween creepy costumes, as vampire, ghost, bat, etc. I sterted with the one who is on top of a pumpkin. I chose a olive green 16 count fabric for this project.

The other project is a Halloween unicorn. I love unicorns, that is not a secret. I have unicorns printed on my water bottle, my mug, sleepers, …..and when I saw that design I couldn’t avoid buying it. I am going to stitch it on 14 count pale yellow Aida fabric. After finishing this one I think I will buy and do the Christmas one, with a poinsettia on his head.

I am also going to start shortly a Advent Calendar, but that will be for the next month.

The question Measi Musing is asking this month is :

“What is more satisfaying for you and why - the process of stitching a piece or the finish?”

Definitely for me is the process of stitching. I love the thread and fabric setting up, the excitement of the first stitches and mainly see how my piece of art is growing and showing the final design. I have loads of embroidered pieces in which the cross stitch part is finish but the job remains unwashed in a box. And my weakest point, if i leave a small portion unfinished it will be like that forever.

Have a happy stitching month.

Small SAL 2018 - August Check In

I was very delayed with this project. From January to May I did month by month the corresponding sachets. But from May I dedicated more time to my plot and I was delayed with the cross stitch. I am up to date and I have 4 sachets to show.

In May was the turn of a mushroom from Vervaco. It is done in 14 count cream Aida fabric and the threads are mainly red shades. For the back as well as for the ribbon I chose a red colour.

June sachet is a Vervaco design in black and white and represents a butterfly. I did over 14 count Aida white with black and grey shades DMC threads. I used black fabric for the back and a black ribbon.

July sachet is a pink girlish owl. Ok, I need to tell the truth. The original design from Vervaco comes with the word ‘Teeth” written in backstitch and it is suppose to be a sachet for keeping the teeth for the Fairy Teeth. I didn’t embroider the letters and it is perfect for my sachets’ collection. I did it in Aida pink fabric with dark pink for the back and the ribbon.

Finally, August sachet is also a Vervaco design made in grey and black shades, but this time represents a bird. It is done in 18 count Aida marble effect fabric. As for the previous black and white design, I chose black for the back fabric and the ribbon.

My collection is increasing. It is lovely now how they look in the basket I chose for them.

Hooties 12 Days of Christmas - Days 5 and 6

I am two months delayed with this SALand I need to speed up if I want it ready for this year Christmas.

For people who don’t know my design is called “Hooties 12 Days of Christmas”, it is designed by PinoyStitch and consists on 12 owls disguised in the appropriate custom for the number they have following the famous carroll 12 Days of Christmas.

This time I did number 5 and 6, which correspond to 5 golden rings and 6 Geese-a-laying. And there is where I am at that moment.

On the first day of Christmas,
my true love sent to me
A partridge in a pear tree.

On the second day of Christmas,
my true love sent to me
Two turtle doves,
And a partridge in a pear tree.

On the third day of Christmas,
my true love sent to me
Three French hens,
Two turtle doves,
And a partridge in a pear tree.

On the fourth day of Christmas,
my true love sent to me
Four calling birds,
Three French hens,
Two turtle doves,
And a partridge in a pear tree.

On the fifth day of Christmas,
my true love sent to me
Five golden rings,
Four calling birds,
Three French hens,
Two turtle doves,
And a partridge in a pear tree.

On the sixth day of Christmas,
my true love sent to me
Six geese a-laying,
Five golden rings,
Four calling birds,
Three French hens,
Two turtle doves,
And a partridge in a pear tree.

Connie Design Blackwork SAL - August 2018

I have worked quite a lot on this project and I am now completely up to date. I like a lot how the work looks like and how quick you can stitch each part. Last time I showed you my advance was in May, when I had only 5 parts finished. From then I finished parts 6 to 9.

And look how nice looks the full job.

You can get the pattern from free from Connie Gee Designs Blackwork SAL 2018.