Little Stitches Art: Gifted Gorgeousness - February Update

Gifted Gorgeousness - February Update

The Gifted Gorgeousness SAL is hosted by Serendipitous Stitching.

As most of you know, I like stitching owls. The responsible of that is my mum, who is an owl collector with more than 250 owls in all the shapes, positions and format (figurine, magnet, soft toy, embroidery,...).
I got as a Christmas present the chart designed by Pinoy Stitch called “Hooties All Year Round Mini Collection #1”. The chart consists in an owl representing each month of the year. For that reason each owl is “wearing” something characteristic of the month he represents.

Because I got the chart as a present I decided to participate with it in the link party organized by Jo in Serendipitous Stitching called Gifted Gorgeousness 2019. To participate on that the condition is that what you present in the post must be related to a gift, a gift you received or a gift you are doing for someone else.

For this project I chose a 18 count white Aida fabric with magical guides. It is the first time I use this type of fabric; I will review it after using it and eliminate the guides. Threads are the called for one, DMC brand.

I finished the January owl, who is wearing a scarf as corresponds to the cold winter we are going through. I just realized that this owl has the beak red, as a consequence of the cold, I guess.

I wanted to catch up with this chart and I pressed myself to finish February’s owl before the end of the month.

As cannot be other way, February owl is an owl in love. I should say it is a female owl because of the long lashes she has and she is carrying a heart as well as she has many hearts around.

I am looking forward for March owl.


  1. They look adorable together! Are you giving it to your Mom when you're finished or are you starting your own collection?

    1. If I am honest, I used to hate owls. But as I am always looking for them for my mum I love them now and I have my own (small) collection. I will keep them.

  2. Thanks for taking part in GG in February. This is a lovely series of owls and I can see why you want to keep them!
