July's finished Jobs

I am quite happy with the projects I have finished this month. As usual, I finished less than what I planned in advance but I don't think I will never finish what I plan.......

I did these three small cushions in hardanger, in white, green and red. I love hardanger but I don't know why I didn't do for a while.

I did a small cushion of summer season. The patter is a freebie from Happiness is CrossStitching.

Other two small things I did in cross stitch is a lavender bag and a key fob with the breast cancer ribbon. It is funny that I forgot to put the key ring and finally I have a small pillow instead a key fob.....

Finally I would like to show you this small pincushion in blackwork with a strawberry design.

Do you like them? All comments are welcome.

The Blogger Behind.......Ipnot

When I saw first time this blog I was impressed and still I am every time I visit it. It is amazing how with only French knots Ipnot can do so realistic things as a pizza, a tomato, etc.
I decided that Ipnot, the blogger behind the blog with the same name, Ipnot, was a very good starting point for my new interview section, The Blogger Behind.

Tell us something about you.
I am Japanese embroidery artist. I am making embroidery works with the French Knot stitch only. As in the art of stipple painting, I use my needle like a paint brush and I stitch one knot at a time.

How and when did you start crafting?
I have been making handicraft arts for 5 years already. But only about 4 years ago I started to make embroidery.
First I wasn’t into embroidery. Instead, I made clay accessories. But 4 years ago I saw an embroidered bear in a magazine. Then I told myself I will make one. I want to try embroidery because when I was a child my grandmother liked to do embroidery. Then I saw how to do it and I was curious about it. After seeing the embroidered bear in the magazine, I tried it. I really had a lot of fun and I decided to stop doing clay accessories and just focus on embroidery.

How often do you craft?
I craft almost every day. But sometimes I can’t embroider engaged with another job. Since I am the happiest when I am embroidering, I want to embroider as long as time permits.

Where do you get inspiration?
I can get inspiration anytime anywhere. I always keep my eyes open. I touch a lot of arts in libraries, museums, solo exhibitions, art works at SNS, art related TV and so on.

Why do you craft? How did you learn?
Embroidery is my life work. I have spent my childhood surrounded by very creative and crafty people who have inspired me. I was drawn to embroidery because my grandmother used to do it and made it look very relaxing and enjoyable. So I tried it and enjoyed it myself. Since then, I started my own projects and it doesn’t feel like work.
I learned embroidery by myself.

What do you do when you are suffering a creative block to unblock?
If that happens, I go to a museum to appreciate art and I get creative input. And then, I keep doing embroidery without thinking deeply.

What are the crafting tools that you cannot live without?

The crafting tools that I cannot live without are needles and thread.

Thank you Ipnot for your time and all the best for your future projects.

New Section on Sunday: The Blogger Behind

From next Sunday I am going to start a new section in my blog, The Blogger Behind. This section will consists in interview to people having a blog in anything related with crafts as embroidery, knitting, sewing, cooking, soap making, candle making, etc. 
I have already few interviews programmed but if you want to take part feel free to contact me or leave a comment.

Small Cushion Tutorial

Today I am going to explain how to make a small cushion. I am sure most of you know how to do it, but when I started to make finitions of my embroideries (and even now) I found very useful the tutorial people published in the web and I need to say that they are still very useful as obviously it is not possible to know all what you want and we are continuously learning.

The first thing is obviously choose and embroider the design we want. Once it is done we cut the embroidered fabric in a square of the desired measures plus 1 inch each side. For example if you want your cushion to be 4 inches you should cut a square 5 by 5 inches. Cut another square in the fabric you chose for the back of the same size as the embroidered fabric.

Hold with pins both squares right sides facing. Sew by hand or machine following the backstitch line leaving a small portion opened.

Trim the edges leaving half an inch from the sewing line and turn it around pushing the corners.

Fill with toy stuffing and sew the opened side with hidden stitches.

Our small cushion is ready!!!!

I hope you find useful this tutorial. Don’t doubt in asking if you have any question and please send me the picture of your finished cushion. Enjoy!!!!!!