International Hermit and Stitch Weekend (IHSW) - February

I recently discovered the International Hermit and Stitching Weekend (IHSW). It is a very interesting blog sign-up. IHSW takes place every third full weekend of each month from Friday to Sunday. To participate, you only need to become an hermit that weekend, sit in your stitching corner and stitch during all the weekend (ok, you can also, cook, eat, sleep,....). Then, next Monday or Tuesday you show all what you did in the weekend, from a big advance in a project up to few stitches in other.

This is the first time I am going to participate and I feel very excited.

I finished the first cactus of my Prickly but Cute SAL, called Astrid the Cactus. It is very fast and easy to do but it is really cute. It is done over Aida pale blue 18 count,

I finished my two first mandalas. That is a blackwork project organized by the blog Brodeuse Bresanne which I am stitching in Aida orange 18 count and using purple thread. Maybe I will alternate with green, but I didn’t decided yet. 

I also decided to do the Ornament of the month and A FOB a Month organized by the blog Magical’s Quilts and More. For the ornaments there is the choice of doing 2 pieces and sew together as a, let’s say, triangle or stitch 4 triangles and a square and join as a pyramid. I am choosing the triangle option. I did this weekend January ornament. It is stitched in white Aida 14 count with purple thread.

The FOBs are really small and cute. They are only 15 x 15 stitches and I finished this weekend the FOBs corresponding to January and February. One is stitched over black Aida 14 count fabric and the other is stitched in pearl grey Aida 14 count.

I am really looking forward to see what other people have stitched. As usual, comments are welcome.


  1. Lots of stitching, the fobs are lovely

  2. Lovely stitching - I too have only recently discovered the IHSW! See you there next month hopefully x

  3. Glad that you are enjoying the re-surgence of IHSW!
    I have the monthly mandalas saved, I must started them soon.
