Little Stitches Art: Finish It In 2019 - April Update

Finish It In 2019 - April Update

The Finish it in 2019 SAL is hosted by MagicalQuilt and More

As I mentioned in the presentation post for that SAL I wrote in January I have three projects from 2018 I would like to finish in 2019 and this SAL is a good opportunity for that.

This time I decided to finish one of the parts of my project Sabbats from The Primitive Hare. I started this project in 2017, continued with it in 2018 and I hope to finish it in 2019.

I finished Lammas and Mabon in 2017 and Imbolc and Ostara in 2018. Now it was the turn of Litha. As with the previous Sabbats I stitched it in 18 count Aida rustic Oatmeal. This time I used a deep yellow fabric printed with flowers for the back.

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